Monday, June 23, 2014

Earn Your Salt - What Does it Really Mean?

Lifeguard Board Shorts
Lifeguard Board Shorts

Every day, you might hear conversations that contain phrases that have actually been used for long years. One of the most famous phrases that you might heard in “earn your salt,” most particularly between individuals who make a living from the water. Have you ever asked yourself about the definition and the etymology of the phrase?

When you actually search on “earn your salt”, you can find various informative and wonderful information that you can get. One reference actually suggested that the phrase “earn your salt” began with those ancient Romans and its origin could date back to the early time of 900 BC. In those times, the Roman armies are paid for the labor in salarium which was an allowance in order to buy salt.

It is of note that salt was one of the most valuable spices long ago, and even today and it was also considered good for the health of human. In that era, the word soldier literally meant ‘the one who is paid in salt.’ For various years, the word ‘salarium’ was the shortened. In today’s English Language, it is what people call salary. Then, when you say that someone earn his or her salt, you are actually saying that he/she is worthy of the wages that he/she earns, but this can also denote an individual who is worthy of admiration or respect.

“Earn your salt” can always be defined in simple terms. It can be understood by people. “Earn your salt” is also recognized as “worth your salt.” When you take its original definition, it means that someone who is worth his pay. This is actually an American English idiom. It had caught the attention of various individuals, most particularly those who study semantics.

Some references also suggested that this phrase means a person who is able to prove his or her abilities to earn respect for others. As being said, this phrase is often used to speak of divers, lifeguards, surfers and those who make their living from the water.

It is true that “earn your salt” is a fantastic expression, and this is the reason behind those who have been searching for its roots. The root of this expression can be traced from the Roman practice but it is of note that the use of salt as a barter material has been practices in several places.